2010-08-18 | 09:53:36

Cristina and a wedding

Ja, vi vet ju alla hur det gick förra gången. Hon fick sina ögonbryn bort rakade, och fick panik precis innan hon skulle gå in. Men ändå var det hon som fick sitt hjärta krossat.

OMG! När hon vart redo ( ÄNTLIGEN! ) så kommer han och förstör. Cristina gjorde allt för honom den dagen. Hon förändrades helt på bara några sekunder. Burke, jag trodde inte du var den killen.

Alla vet väl anledningen till varför han slutade? Han fick sparken, på riktigt alltså, för att han kallade T. R Knight ( George O'Malley ) för bögjävel.

Men sen kom Owen, och igår såg jag det här på Grey's hemsida:

We know from the Grey's Anatomy Season 7 spoilers we posted last week that there will be a marriage when the show returns. Not an engagement, we're talkin' full-on nuptials.

We also know, thanks to E! Online, that one of the following couples will be getting married on the season premiere of their respective shows ... and there's a Grey's contender:

  • Sarah and Chuck, Chuck
  • Holly and Michael, The Office
  • Cristina and Owen, Grey's Anatomy

Does that mean we can pencil Cristina and Owen in right now? Not necessarily. E! could mean one of those other shows, and Alex and Lexie or Callie and Arizona would both be intriguing choices misleadingly left off the website's list. But it makes you think.

Crowen For Owen

Will Owen and Cristina say 'I do'? [Photo: ABC]

Seeing as Owen and Cristina were together and seemed stronger than ever at the end of Grey's Anatomy's gripping season-ender in May, and with Teddy out of the picture and pursuing some new romance(s) this year, they seem to be the most logical choice.

As for any additional hints, all we have to go on are (mostly obvious) ones:

  • They are loved by most - but not all - fans of that show.
  • They are not currently engaged ... which we know.
  • There won't be a big lead-up to the engagement.

    Tänk om Cristina och Owen gifter sig! Längtar såååååå mycket till säsong 7! Cristina behöver någon. Och det är nu.
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